Bromine water 2% Do-It-Yourself instructions [no longer sold as an item ] - see long item description
use a Bottle, glass amber 1L [Search 1000SU-1L ]
Tare bottle on scale and record original weight as at the end you must make up to bottle weight plus 1000g
Work in the fume hood
Add 28g sodim bro mide [ 46208-100g ] ( rinse in with DI water ]
add 22g sodim chlo rite [ 46608-100g ] rinse in with DI water ]
make up to about 500ml with water
Add 180g of 4.9% hydro chloric acid. [ 27238-P-1L ]
Shake mix - brom ine will be forming
Quickly make up to about 1000g
Place cap on bottle.
Unit Qty: eaQTY