SG01A Silicone based formula with inorganic thickener and refined with a variety of additives and structural improvers. Superior performance in both vacuum and electrical applications. Non-curing, insoluble, non-dispersive. Excellent pressure resistance and thermal stability -40~392°F / -40~200°C.
Applicable to the lubrication and sealing of vacuum system interface, glass piston and grinding interface. Reduce the overall leak rate by filling the spaces of the gland’s surfaces and lowering permeation rates of the elastomer. Outperform in both vacuum and pressure systems.
Waterproof, protect and insulate electrical components and connectors. Provide a barrier against moisture and other contaminants in many types of electrical contact points, great in marine equipment.
Excellent chemical stability and long service time. Compatible with most plastics and rubbers.
Compliance with food and drinking water exposure certification.