Hydrochloric acid 32%, AnalaR NORMAPURA Analytical reagent, 2.5L in glass
Product code 20254
SDS :- in list at webpage http://www.ecplabchem.co.nz/material-safety-data-sheets
Formula:HCl CAS Number:7647-01-0 |
For Freight and storage:- packing group II Medium risk |
Assay | 31.5 - 33.0 % | |
Colouration | Max. 10 APHA | |
Density (20/4) | 1.140 - 1.180 | |
Free chlorine | Max. 0.5 ppm | |
Ignition residue (SO4) | Max. 5 ppm | |
Br (Brom ide) | Max. 50 ppm | |
NH4 (Amm onium) | Max. 1 ppm | |
PO4 (Pho sphate) | Max. 0.5 ppm | |
SO3 (Sulp hite) | Max. 1 ppm | |
SO4 (Su lphate) | Max. 1 ppm | |
Al (Alumin ium) | Max. 0.05 ppm | |
As (Ars enic) | Max. 0.01 ppm | |
Ba (Bar ium) | Max. 0.02 ppm | |
Be (Ber yllium) | Max. 0.02 ppm | |
Bi (Bism uth) | Max. 0.1 ppm | |
Ca (Cal cium) | Max. 0.5 ppm | |
Cd (Cad mium) | Max. 0.01 ppm | |
Co (Cob alt) | Max. 0.01 ppm | |
Cr (Chro mium) | Max. 0.04 ppm | |
Cu (Cop per) | Max. 0.1 ppm | |
Fe (Iro n) | Max. 0.2 ppm | |
Ge (Ger manium) | Max. 0.05 ppm | |
Hg (Mer cury) | Max. 0.01 ppm | |
K (Pota ssium) | Max. 0.1 ppm | |
Li (Lith ium) | Max. 0.01 ppm | |
Mg (Mag nesium) | Max. 0.1 ppm | |
Mn (Ma nganese) | Max. 0.01 ppm | |
Mo (Moly bdenum) | Max. 0.02 ppm | |
Na (Sodi um) | Max. 0.5 ppm | |
Ni (Nick el) | Max. 0.04 ppm | |
Pb (Le ad) | Max. 0.02 ppm | |
Sr (Str ontium) | Max. 0.01 ppm | |
Ti (Tita nium) | Max. 0.1 ppm | |
Tl (Thalli um) | Max. 0.05 ppm | |
V (Vanad ium) | Max. 0.01 ppm | |
Zn (Z inc) | Max. 0.05 ppm | |
Zr (Zirc onium) | Max. 0.1 ppm |